ImperialOfficerS.jpg |
Contains reference pictures of the
Officer's Disk (on cap), Rank Code Cylinder, Rank Plaque and Belt
Buckle. |
OzzelRank.jpg |
Contains a close up view of the
Rank Plaque and Rank Code Cylinders. |
NeedaFull.jpg |
Gives good reference to what the
entire uniform looks like from head to toe. |
Needa.jpg |
Gives good detail on the cap and
colar. |
PiettCap.jpg |
Gives more detail on the cap. It
also gives detail on how the tunic closes up on the right shoulder. |
Veers.jpg |
Gives good detail on how tunic closes
up. |
ImpUniform.jpg |
Gives more details on construction
of tunic. As well as the positioning of the shoulder pockets for
the Rank Code Cylinders and the Rank Plaque. |
VeersGloves.jpg |
Gives details of gloves and shows
no dress shirt is worn under the uniform. |