Battle Name : The Jade Moon
Battle Location : On the Jade Moon, which is a moon of Loronar
Battle Occurred : Well after the Battle of Yavin, after the Liberation of Gerrard V
Battle Type : Supply Raid (For the Rebels)
Force Making Attack : Rebel Alliance
Opposing Forces : Rebel Alliance / Galactic Empire
Victorious Force : Rebel Alliance
Imperial Personnel : ?
Imperial Force Composition : Extensive Turbolaser and Missile Turret defences, as well as AT-PTs throughout the area. Main storage facility (7 Bunkers and 1 storage tank) was protected by 4 Turbolasers, 1 shield generator (in another location), a total of 9 AT-PTs, 3 TIE Interceptors and 3 TIE Bombers
Rebel Personnel : Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, General Crix Madine and Kasan Moor
Rebel Force Composition : 4 X-Wings from Rogue Squadron, 1 Lambda-class Shuttle, 4 Rebel Assault Vehicles and Rebel Commandos
Battle Outcome
Battle Outcome
Imperial Survivors : ?
Surviving Forces : Good sums of the base network
Imperial Loses : 4 Turbolasers, 1 shield generator (in another location), a total of 9 AT-PTs, 3 TIE Interceptors, 3 TIE Bombers and other storage structures
Rebel Survivors : Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, General Crix Madine and Kasan Moor
Surviving Forces : 4 X-Wings from Rogue Squadron, 1 Lambda-class Shuttle, Most likely all of the 4 Rebel Assault Vehicles and surviving Rebel Commandos
Rebel Loses : ?

    The Jade Moon was raided by the Rebels after Lieutenant Kasan Moor, formally the leader of the dreaded Imperial 128th TIE Interceptor Squadron defected to the Rebel Alliance. She joined Rogue Squadron offering her piloting expertise and knowledge of secret Imperial strongholds, she supplied the Rebels the location of this Imperial Moon Base, which held a large amount of supplies needed by the Rebellion. General Crix Madine would personally lead the raid on the base, while Rogue Squadron would provide air support to protect the raid. A Rebel Lambda-class Shuttle dropped off the Rebel raiders consisting of 4 Rebel Assault Vehicles and Rebel Commandos and the shuttle lifted off just as Rogue Squadron arrived. The Rebel raiding forces were able to destroy the 4 AT-PTs that were guarding the route to the facility, however the Rebel Commandos were temporarily stopped since the shield protecting the 7 Imperial Bunkers and 1 storage tank holding the supplies was still operational. The Rebels did not encounter any Imperial starfighter opposition at this point. Skywalker with the other Rebel X-Wings navigated through the canyons, staying low to avoid the Missile Turrets on the surface. He eventually was able to located the shield generator and destroyed it, since Wedge Antilles was not able to make the shot due to the angle he was at. With the shield generator destroyed this caused the shield protecting the 7 Imperial Bunkers and 1 storage tank holding the supplies to drop, which allowed the Rebel Commandos to storm the supply facility. When the shield dropped 5 AT-PTs came to attack the Rebel raiders, but they were destroyed, along with the 4 Turbolasers in the fighting against the Rebels. Several TIE Interceptors were flying over head the Rebels, to provide cover for a pair of TIE Bombers that would arrive shortly, they engaged the Rebel X-Wings. The TIE Bombers started the bombing run, but they were destroyed by the X-Wings. In a last ditch effort to destroy the Rebel ground forces, a lone TIE Bomber arrived to finish the job, however it met the same fate as the previous bombers did. When the X-Wings were able to destroy the last of the TIE Interceptors, the Rebels were able to safely steal the supplies from the Imperial supply facility.
