Battle Name Defection at Corellia
Location On planet Corellia, Corellian System
Occurred More than a half year after the Battle of Yavin, after The Search for the Nonnah
Attacker / Defender Galactic Empire / Rebel Alliance
Victor Rebel Alliance
Attacker Personnel ?
Force Composition 21 TIE Bombers (Have Bombs), 6 TIE Fighters, 2 Sentinel-class Landing Shuttles, 2 AT-ATs, 2 AT-STs, ? Imperial boats, ? Stormtroopers, and 6 Imperial Probe Droids
Defender Personnel General Carlist Rieekan, Crix Madine, Commander Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Han Solo and Chewbacca
Force Composition 3 Modified T-47 Air Speeders from Rogue Squadron, 2 Lambda-class Shuttles, and Millennium Falcon
Battle Outcome
Attacker Survivors ?
Surviving Forces 2 TIE Bombers, 2 Sentinel-class Landing Shuttles, ? Imperial boats, and ? Stormtroopers
Losses 19 TIE Bombers, 6 TIE Fighters, 2 AT-ATs, 2 AT-STs, 6 Probe Droids, ? Imperial boats, and ? Stormtroopers
Defender Survivors General Carlist Rieekan, Crix Madine, Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Han Solo and Chewbacca
Surviving Forces 3 Modified T-47 Air Speeders from Rogue Squadron, 2 Lambda-class Shuttles, and Millennium Falcon
Losses None


    Following the traitor Crix Madine's rescue by Kyle Katarn, the Empire attempted to apprehend him during a stopover at Corellia. To ensure his safe passage to the Rebellion, Rogue Squadron was dispatched. During the stopover, General Carlist Rieekan intended to contact Madine after his meeting with city officials in the Capital Tower. The Empire had other machinations. During their patrol a member of Rogue Squadron detected something out of the ordinary on sensors, which would prove to be a forewarning of the Empire's arrival. Heading to the hills to investigate the anomalous sensor readings, they encountered a gaggle of Imperial Probe Droids. The battle had now started.

    No sooner than Rogue Squadron had dipatched the probe droids TIE Bombers began attacking the city, to flush out the Rebel vermin. The TIE Bombers' specific targets were the Capital Tower where General Rieekan was held up, and the Tech Centre where the traitor Madine was cowering. As Wedge Antilles was already heavily engaged, it fell upon Luke Skywalker to defend the Tech Centre. Additional TIE Bombers were on their way to the Capital Tower via vector 1013. Overwhelmed, Wedge Antilles was being hunted down by a pair of pursuing TIE Bombers. Alas, at the critical moment, out of nowhere came the Millennium Falcon, which shot down Wedge Antilles' executioners. The most unfortunate arrival of the Millennium Falcon was not part of the Rebels' original plan.

    As an AT-AT approached the Capital Tower, a pair of TIE Bombers continued their attack against the same objective. Shortly after Skywalker had downed the AT-AT, a pair of Sentinel-class Landing Shuttles deployed a pair of AT-STs supported by Stormtroopers outside the Tech Centre. Plodding closely behind this force was another AT-AT. Madine was trapped. Skywalker managed to dispatch this force, and down the second AT-AT. Taking no further chances the Rebels sent a Lambda Shuttle to whisk the traitor Madine away from Imperial justice. Before the shuttle could land on the Tech Centre's roof, two groups of TIE Fighters attempted to shoot it down. Again Skywalker intervened, eliminating the fighters.

    Parallel to events occuring at the Tech Centre, another Rebel Lambda Shuttle and the Millennium Falcon landed on the Capital Tower. With Madine's shuttle safely leaving Corellia, Skywalker turned his attention back to the Capital Tower. Moments after evacuating General Rieekan and those in the building, a pair of TIE Bombers broke through and destroyed the structure. With no other Imperial forces available the Rebels made good their escape from Corellia.

Sources: RS-3D (Defection at Corellia) / NEC***Pg 115